CHI’18 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
THAT WAS IT, my first CHI conference! “The ACM CHI’18 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction” ( This year, CHI took place in Montreal (Canada). Over 3000 participants from across the world met at CHI’18. It was great getting the chance to be one of them. Moreover, I also present our paper Perspective on and Re-Orientation of Physical Proxies in Object-Focused Remote Collaboration. Thanks to all the people who came to my talk! I presented the work, but this was truly a team success!!
I am very proud that we got a “Best Paper Honorable Mention Award”!!
(Ehud is missing)
Furthermore, it was great seeing the iLab folks again, and being a part of the student volunteering team! I am looking forward to seeing you again!!